The Practice of Sahaba (Companions of Beloved Prophet) (May Allah Please with them)

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar (May Allah Please with Him) used to sacrifice his animal near the Eidgah in Blessed Madina (ground of sacred Madina) and stated that it was the practice of the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon Him).

The Qurbani/sacrifice had great importance and excellence for the Sahaba (Companions (May Allah please with them) and if they could not attend the Eid Salat (Prayer) due to illness, even then, they would not quit the offering of Qurbani/sacrifice. Therefore Hazrat Naf’ay Tab’aey has mentioned an incident of his teacher, Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar (May Allah Please with Him) Once, the Master was so ill that he could not go to the Eidgah (Place of Eid Prayer) for Eid Salat (Prayer). He asked Hazrat Naf’ay to go and buy a sheep for him and sacrifice it near the Eidgah for him. Therefore, Hazrat Naf’ay carried out his order and presented the animal before him after sacrificing it.

Hazrat Ibn e Abbas (May Allah please with Him) related that they were on a journey with the Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings be Upon Him) when the days of Qurbani/sacrifice arrived. Therefore, ten of them became partners in the sacrifice of the camel and seven became partners in the sacrifice of the cow.

Note: Afterwards the order of ten partners was nullified and now seven people can become partners in the Qurbani/sacrifice of the camel.

Hazrat Sahel (May Allah please with Him) have mentioned the practice of the Sahaba (Companions of Beloved Prophet (May Allah Please with them)) about Qurbani/sacrifice,

کنا نسمن الاضحیۃ بالمدینۃ وکان المسلمون فیسمون

‘We Sahaba (Companions) used to make the animal of sacrifice plump and healthy by giving it fodder and water and other Muslims also did the same.’

Hazrat Jabir (May Allah please with Him) has related the practice of the Sahaba (Companions) (May Allah please with them) about the use of meat of Qurbani/sacrifice. We, during the time of the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him), used to collect and save the meat of Qurbani sacrifice and used it for many days.

Even the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) consumed the meat of Qurbani/sacrifice for many days after Eid. Therefore, Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa (May Allah Please with Her) related that they used to apply salt on the meat and then dried it for the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him). The Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) had that meat for a month or so.

Hazrat Mohammed Bin Sereen Thabi’e (May Allah Please with Him) stated that he asked Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar (May Allah Please with Him) ‘Is Qurbani/sacrifice compulsory?’

He answered that the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) always performed Qurbani/sacrifice and also the Muslims after Him gave Qurbani sacrifice, and till now the commemoration of Qurbani/sacrifice is preserved.

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